06 December, 2013

Many Museums Week

Inside Le Louvre Pyramide

Marrons in Le Jardin des plantes near my home

Exposition Nocturne Braque au Grand Palais (Thursday evening)

El Pyramide Del Paris
 I was curious to visit a new addition to the Museum, the new department dedicated to Islamic Arts covering 3000 sq m of new exhibition space (2012) 

Islamic Arts Department

Modern Structure in Mesh holding the Islamic Arts New Section in Le Louvres Museum - Note that it looks like open space structure, rendering nomadism, tent structure.


Islamic World Display

Many Scriptures, and when they became too flowery, they were replaced 

Our guide explained that this meant « La magnanimtté est au début d'un goût amer, mais fini par être plus douce que le miel » (819-1005) (Magnanimity may leave a bitter taste at first, but becomes as sweet as honey after a while). Aristotle influence and also mildly inspired by Chinese culture (see Ying Yang sign in the centre of the plate)

Water distributor if I understood well
We were reminded that Islamic arts display do not involve the figuration of people or animals ONLY ON RELIGIOUS ARTEFACTS
La Grande Mosquée de Paris (5th dist) nearby and recommended by a friend living nearby - this is where my decision to go to Le Louvres started
I also visited the Raymond Depardon Coloured Photographies Exhibition recommended by a friend and I re-visited the Renaissance  & Dreams Exhibition in Musée du Luxembourg with my daughter to share it with her.