30 July, 2011

Children Painting Exhibition - Simply the Best !!!

Primary School Paintings Exhibition

Enjoy !

This one is my favourite. It is my impression that kids have very lateral thinking, like hiding the car keys in the fridge, or THIS ONE, extraordinary in my opionion, I just love it ! I may even keep it as a screen saver.

and they are Kings or Queens of their Imaginary Kingdom, and we are at their service, aren't we :) ?

Fascination with sky scrapers structures

Very sophisticated Clock?Bird

Oscar's class work below, we bid for it, but lost

Australian flowers

Textures x 2

Density, Colour and diverse Impressions Techniques, a Little Scientists' work :)

A Japanese touch

Finally, our hope, our biggest asset

29 July, 2011

S'arrêter un instant .................

Ce texte ma été envoyé comme cadeau 

S'ARRETER UN INSTANT .................

Un jour une jeune femme buvait du thé avec sa mère.
Elles parlaient de la vie, du mariage, des responsabilités dans la vie et des obligations dues à l'âge adulte.

La mère pensive, disait à sa fille :
N'oublie pas tes soeurs.
Elles deviendront plus importantes au fur et à mesure que tu prendras de l'âge.
Même si tu aimes profondément ton mari et les enfants que tu auras peut-être,
tu auras toujours besoin de tes soeurs.
Penses à les accompagner ou faire des choses avec elles de temps en temps.
Et n'oublies pas que 'soeurs' veut dire toutes les femmes.
Tes amies, tes filles, tes collègues et tous les membres féminins de ta famille.
Tu as besoin d'elles.

Quel drôle de conseil pensait la jeune femme.
Je suis jeune mariée. Mon mari et la famille que nous allons créer ensemble,
sera sûrement ce qui donnera tout le sens à ma vie.
Mais elle suivait quand même les conseils de sa mère.
Elle gardait le contact avec ses soeurs, et se faisait chaque année plus d'amies.

Petit à petit, le temps passant, elle se rendait compte que sa mère savait ce dont elle parlait.
Quand des mystères et des changements se produisaient dans sa vie, ses
"soeurs" étaient des piliers dans sa vie.
Le temps passe, la vie se vit, la distance sépare, les enfants grandissent,

l'amour grandit et disparaît.
Les êtres aimés se meurent, les coeurs se brisent, les parents décèdent et les
carrières se terminent.

Mais.... il reste les soeurs, le temps et la distance n'y changeant rien.
Une amie est toujours à portée de main quand tu as besoin d'elle.
Quand tu dois traverser la vallée solitaire, il y aura des femmes dans ta vie, qui
se trouveront au bord pour t'encourager, prier pour toi, intervenir pour
toi, et à la fin : t'accueillir dans leur bras.

Parfois elles se foutent des règles, et marchent à tes côtés. Ou alors elles
viennent te sortir de l'ornière
filles, petites-filles, belles-filles, soeurs, belle-soeurs, mères,
grand-mères, tantes, nièces, voisines...
toutes elles bénissent ta vie.

Le monde ne serait pas pareil sans cette complicité entre femmes.
Quand nous avons commencé cette aventure "être femme",
nous n'avions aucune idée des joies et peines incroyables qui nous attendaient.
Ni ne savions combien nous aurions besoin les unes des autres, encore

14 July, 2011

Possum Box Project and our Surrounding Wild Life


In a sub-tropical house - you are never alone ...

During the school holidays, the kids went to Fleas Zoo on the Gold Coast with their Dad and came back with a booklet on how to make possum houses, a house with precise specifications !

Someone was watching :) !

And someone else wanted to join in on the deck !

Flock of cockatoos whose path has been carefully diverted from the neighbours' house since they are away on holidays ... Leonie, you will be please to see they have been looked after.

Mr Possum and all of his friends who make a racket on the roof at night

An Australian frog near our pond - collected from an evening walk after the rain.

Possum Box Painted

with ochre collected on a Noosa Heads walk, grinded, mixed with egg white and water 

Finished product (we got enthusiastic about Aboriginal Patterns on a children book)

And up in a tree for the new tenant tonight

Someone is bemused !


12 July, 2011

Surréalistes in Brisbane !

Monday was a magical day, incredible but true !
As I arrived at 8.00am at work, I asked my colleague Gladys what she had been doing this week end. She explains that she went to the Surrealists' exhibition with Yuko, one of the Japanese translators ...
I pinch myself ... in .. B R I S B A N E?

Yes, as a matter of fact, next door, since the Gallery of contemporary arts is 10ms walk from my office.

So, listen ... I went there for lunch time ! I did !

This is my walk from my side of the river (North) to the Arts Gallery (South), and here is our beautiful bridge, very surrealist itself.

All I had to do was cross that bridge and I started my surreal voyage

GOMA - Arts Gallery

And here was the message flashing at me

I dreamed I was alive. That surprised me. I was alive. But I woke myself up.

Here is the Definition of Surrealism by André Breton, The Manifesto of Surrealism:

"Psychic automatism in its pure state, by which one proposes to express, verbally by means of the written word, or any other manner, the actual functioning of thought. Dictated by thought, in the absence of any control exercised by reason, exempt from any aesthetic or moral concern."

Breton argues that "one could use the powers of the subconscious in the reinventation of the real, in order to get through reality's arrogant appearance of trying to be what it is not".

In an attempt to "liberate desire to give reality its sovereign freedom" (I am not telling who said that, it would put you off the idea), because without this inner freedom, there is no Art (what I understood).

Do not take your children there (even if there is a kids workshop), do not even take your partner (you won't like the messages on the wall about abandoning them, as a starter), just try to immerse yourself, and let your mind be blown out.

Don't even try to understand, it is a deconstruction experience, objects and painting do not have any aesthetic power there, it is just the way you think about every thing and every common object that is being challenged, the reinvention of the real.

Original sample works you could come in contact with at the exhibition:

La Femme couchée de Picasso

Silence, J. Miro

Painted after the 68' revolution in France, 'it conveys the momentous effort of orchestration required to maintain an act of collective silence'. Note 'letters and numbers invading the pictorial field' (surrealist feature) 'to change or create meaning'.
Here the word 'silence' floats and move as part of the choreography.

This last one I chose : I did not like it at first, at all ! But it grew on me, and now it is my favourite. This is why: the surrealist movement was born out of the horrific experiences from men on the battlefields of modern warfare. 'During a long night spent alone and seriously injured at the bottom of a shell crater, Masson witnessed the fusion of the muddy earth with the blood and shattered limbs of the dead'. This painting has bits of sand mixed with pigment, and is an attempt to 'automation' (not thinking rationally' (not sure it is possible, but still nice to attempt).

It says: 'this painting crystallises the ultimate transformation between life and death'.
Anatomy is fused with landscape.
Earth/Woman - interior/exterior - tender/violent - unified/disembodied

This is what he saw !

I cannot say I enjoy surrealism, it is not even beautiful, but it definitely shakes ones foundations, and this I like. It is also a big turn in the 20th century artistic movements.

Artists could not 'make beautiful pictures' anymore, since everyone could get hold of a camera, making even more beautiful pictures, they had to tell another story.

Context :
A cataclysm, an horrific war was the trigger for change or an attempt to reach the bottom layers of how we comprehend in the surface, for some people anyway.

You may not agree, it is ok, I just shared my day :)

10 July, 2011

Maman, I want to feel like I am on the Moon !

No Problem !

He liked it, but thought you could do more ! ...




Et voilà !

That was easy !

Oscar : "Papa, why was I feeling 'on the edge"

Paul: "because the earth is a sphere, so you are always on the edge"

Me (thinkin'): "Right ..."

Noosa Yesterday

Noosa Headland, Boardwalk Sceneries

The Beach

Oscar trying his 'made out straws snorkle'

Then, a bit later, when the light becomes magical ...


Listening to Josie's Music

For ever Arguing in Teenage Talk ...

Never enough of sandcastles for Mr Oscar

Time to drive back home !